Who is Lady Boss?

In Vale City - Star Building 25th Floor.

"Gavin, why has boss Evan looked so scary since morning? He had no mercy on us at all!" Whispered Gary Stuart, Director of Starlight Investment, Vale city branch.

Since this morning, the ambiance in the meeting room has been tense. Boss Evan, who arrived from the capital, didn't show a friendly-looking face to all of them. The contract draft to purchase an oil refinery in the Southern Seas is still not yet done. There were many revisions after the final check, which made Boss Evan displeased. Meanwhile, the deadline for bidding is getting closer. They must submit the contract to the local government at 2 PM.

Now, it's almost lunchtime, but Boss Evan seemed to make their draft contract meaningless. Every time they gave him a draft contract, Boss Evan always found mistakes that needed to be corrected.