Cold Shower

When Rose wakes up in the morning, she faintly hears a movement outside her bedroom. She felt alert and jumped from her bed in a hurry she tiptoed behind the door. She put her ear to the door, trying to hear more clearly. Her body was stiff. Someone really invaded her house. 

"Someone barged in? Is that Evan?" Rose murmurs. She walks back to her bed to find her cellphone. She will call Evan to ask.

But when her eyes look at the digital watch on the side bed, she feels agitated. She only had an hour left. She had to go to the airport at eight in the morning to fly to Vale City. But now, there was someone in her house.

She was doubtful it was Evan outside because the man never wanted to enter her house the last few days, even though he knew the password. He said it was impolite to enter her home without her permission.

[Rose] Evan, someone inside my house. I'm scared.