
Evan is her soon-to-be husband. Rose wanted to be honest with him. She didn't want her marriage to start with dishonesty. She must tell him everything. But once again, deep down in her heart, Rose worried that her honesty would change how Evan looked at her. 

Now she seemed to be at a crossroads. Confused about which direction to choose. Should she tell Evan? Or should this be a secret between her and her mother and be buried forever?

After a few moments of Thinking, Rose decides to tell Evan everything. This man deserved to know her past.

If she knew about her father who never existed and Evan still chose to be with her, she would be very grateful. However, if her honesty makes them separate, she will be okay with it. As long as they haven't registered their marriage yet. Rose was frozen. Somehow her heart feels hurt at the thought of this.

Was she ready to part with this man?