Tell Her

Evan knew everything from what Rose said and what he read from Oscar's report about his mother-in-law's past. He told his father-in-law all that information, including how his father first recognized Molly at his wedding and started to do a DNA test.

Nicholas fell silent hearing Evan tell him everything. He can't hide how delighted he is now, but something bothered his mind; Has Molly ever married?

"Father and Uncle Marcel said DNA test results, you and my wife are the same. Rose is your daughter…."

"You said, Wilson, is Molly's father's name?"


"She never married after giving birth to my daughter?"

"Never!" Evan answered quickly. He remembers clearly that Rose ever asked her mother; 'why did she never want to marry again? Even though she is still young and beautiful?' His mother-in-law said she was never interested in other men and felt her heart empty as someone took it away.