
"Oliver, before that, you should ensure our company foundation is strong. Both in terms of; human resources and also our other business. Flash is running well now, but how about King Game Company? I told you before, we should create a gamers division, right?"

"No Worries, Boss! Of course, I didn't forget your ideas! I already keep it here…" Oliver pointed at his brain as he smiled. "For our games division, I recruited some of my college friends with bright brains like me… to join us. Some have started working in the Gamers division. And, we will create a few games according to your idea." He paused, looking at his Boss with a frown, "Boss, I still can't believe your brilliant ideas. How can you come up with such a forward-thinking idea?" 

Sometimes Oliver suspected that his best friend could see the future. How could she give him an idea that people nowadays don't think of? Even as a technology expert, he had not gotten there yet.