
"Uncle Marcel! Please sit down first. Tell me about my mom's condition…" Rose said as she sat on the sofa, trying to avoid Uncle Marcel's curious-looking eyes. But Rose didn't hear any voice from him. She couldn't help but turn her gaze again to see him, who settled on his seat opposite.

Rose tried to read Uncle Marcel's expression; he looked calm. But her heart is still ravaging, and the only thing to unravaged it would be knowing whether her Mother will return to her deep sleep again or not. 

"She's fine! You don't have to worry about anything else…." Before he could finish his words, Rose cut him off with a long chatter. He was speechless.

"Oh my god! Can you say it more clearly? Why is my Mother asleep? Will she wake up, or will she be in a coma again? How can you and my father be so calm when my Mother's condition is not improving? Uncle, please! Tell me the truth. Don't hide anything from me. Please!" Rose paused for a breath of air before her sentence.