Did He Propose?

Even though she wanted to have this man completely, alone, just for her, she would never do so. She didn't want to ruin someone else's family.

Nicholas was surprised to see Molly pull her head back.

Why did she do that?

He looked at her face trying to read her expression, but he couldn't read anything. Because she hid her face; she looked down to see her hands in her lap.

"Molly, give me your hand..." Nicholas held out his hand. But after waiting a while, Molly didn't move at all. As if something was bothering her, she fell silent and made no meaningful movement.

He was starting to worry about her sudden change. "What's the matter, Molly? Why are you suddenly afraid of me?" Nicholas asked again, confused.

Molly's mind was distracted by her own worries. After a few moments of silence, she finally dared to ask.

Slowly raised her head to meet his eyes.