What Are You Hiding?

Rose thumped as a thought crossed her mind. She frowned at Evan. Still curious How did he know about this?

Does Evan have a spy in her office?

Gosh… is Sam the spy?

Impossible. Because she never told Sam about her plans to buy the land or building for Wilson Group's headquarters. She just discussed it with Oliver. She even did not tell the other Directors. If James, the CFO at the Willson Group, found out, he would be shocked and ask her to postpone the plan.

Then how did Evan know about this? 

This really bothered Rose. 

Did Evan install CCTV in my office?

But then again, she put aside what she was thinking. There's no way her husband would do that, right?

Then, she heard Marvin calling her name. Instantly she threw away her peculiar thoughts, suspecting her husband.

"Yes, Marvin?"

"Are you going to rename this building the Wilson Group or keep the old name?"