Personal Assistant

When Rose was confused about what to do. Suddenly she heard someone knocking on the door. She immediately threw her phone on the sofa and walked towards the door. 

Is that Evan?

But why is he knocking on the door?

Instantly, a playfully smile framed Rose's face as she imagined her husband wanting to prank her.

However, when she opened the door, she was surprised to see a pixy-haired, tall, male-like woman standing in front of her. She smiles at her new personal assistant.

"Yes, Laura!?"

"Young madam. Your dinner is ready..." Laura Martin politely said.

"Is my husband home yet?" Rose still remembered Evan promised her he'd be home before dinner.

"Young madam, I am sorry to inform you… Young Master Evan hasn't returned yet. However, he ordered us to prepare dinner for you, and he will be in touch with you soon…."