Rose's Texts

Rose's eyes stared blankly at her phone screen. Confused. How should she answer the message?

Should she accept the invitation or ignore it!?

Rose was puzzled.

If she ignored him, she was sure the guy wouldn't stop contacting her. And he might call her or even come over to her company. Rose knew very well the type of guy Willard Harper was. He's the type of guy who doesn't give up easily.

When Rose thought of that, her body immediately froze. Why was Willard's persistence uneasy to her and similar to someone she wanted to forget?

As someone pressed against her chest, she felt short of breath.

Gosh! Why does that man's face seem to haunt me again?

She quickly shook her head, trying to clear that bastard from her mind.

"My wife... What's wrong? Why do you look shocked?" Evan, who saw his wife, was surprised to see his mobile phone. "Did something happen?"