She Know

"Sean Spencer!! You're such an idiot!" Annoyed, Evan cursed Sean. He had no idea what Sean was thinking; He knew Carla liked him because of his last name, but that idiot still wanted to go out with her. He is totally foolish!

"Did something happen after that?" Evan asks.

"Yes! After that, Lady Boss immediately canceled her meeting with Oliver. She asked me to take her home. When she got home, she went straight to her room and didn't come out again until dinner. And, the next day, she decided to return to her parent's house…." Oscar reported everything he knew.

Evan's face darkened at Oscar's explanation. He never imagined that his wife would meet that woman in that place. And what worried him the most was why his wife's mood changed after they met!? His wife even canceled her meeting!

Something must have happened when they met. What's that!? He wanted to know.

"Do you have the CCTV footage??" Evan was worried that Carla would say something to Rose.