Sorry If I Hurt You

Rose was shocked when she saw her mother's face. "M-Mom, I…"

Molly raised her hand to stop Rose from speaking. She looked into her daughter's eyes, "I'm sorry... I was wrong, Rose. There's no need to say anything. I understand now... from now on, I won't talk about this kind of issue anymore, I promise you..."

"M-mom… why are you angry with me?" Rose's voice sounded shaky when she saw how sad her mother was.  Why was she suddenly angry and sad now? Even though she never refused anything she gave her.

Molly smiled at Rose and stood up from her chair, "It's okay my dear. Your mother is not angry…" she smiled. "Now, you have to finish your lunch first…" she said, then left.

"Mom, please wait! Where are you going, Mom?" Rose panicked as she watched her mother walk away. She could feel her mother's act was unusual — this was the first time she saw the irritated glint in her mother's eyes.