Meet Someone

Soon, Rose and Sam were in a car heading east.

But Sam is still confused why Rose suddenly wants to go to a residential area east of the capital!?

After several months of being her bodyguard, this was the first time he had escorted her to this area.

The truth is, he was reluctant to go because a moment ago, he received information that Boss Evan's plane would soon be landing. He remembers the big Boss warned him to stay in the office. But now the lady boss insists on going somewhere.

He is in a dilemma. Who should be obeyed?

Several times Sam asked her to postpone their departure, but she insisted on leaving immediately.

Sam had no other choice but to follow her.

After a few minutes of driving, Sam finally asked her why she wanted to go to that remote area. 

"Boss, please explain what we are going to do there?" 

Sam was worried about the incident a few months ago when they were ambushed by the White Skull Gang.