Meeting Jayson Spencer

Earlier, Evan was curious to see her sitting on the couch staring at her cell phone. He thought she was watching something on YouTube or reading the news, but she was playing a game.

What kind of game makes her ignore her surroundings? 

It was the first time Evan saw her like this, playing something on her cell phone. It makes him curious. 

Rose really blamed herself, drowning in her assignment from Oscar. Now she has lost her chance to talk to Sean — she doesn't know when she will meet him again. 

"No. I didn't talk to Sean that much..." She said,

While playing 'game coding,' she only knew Oscar was sitting with her. She had even forgotten that the big guy Sam was with them.

"What game are you playing?" 

"I don't know the game's name. Oscar gave it to me, and he challenged me to finish the game…" Rose said while looking around. She wanted to find Oscar.

Where is he? Has he gone home too?

"Can I see?"  Evan Ask.