
every day after school I walk downtown to the local dinner,

I sit in the same booth everyday, way in the back corner away from the rest of the tables and booths .

I really don't Remer exactly when I knew I was different than other girls , but I would say about 4th grade I was nine or 10.

I stayed the weekend at my best friend's house she was 2 years older than I was, very smart ,pretty and curious.

She had suggested that we roll play together and

with my tongue and mouth I explored her body many Mary times , over the next few years.

we would count the licks we gave one another so we could have equal amount of time to come.

She was tall and skinny with little purkey boobs, and a small round butt, her pussy lips were small ,and , her clitoris was very big , I Remer licking her clit and watching it get hard enough to latch on to.

We would eat each other out for hours and , stay up all night on weekend having multiple orgasms .I still dream about her licking my pussy even now that I'm all grown up .