urban legends and my tribes elders

so I haven't told you that I am indigenous and am part of the Navajo nation. I live in the Utah basin not on the reservation, but very close to it though. my family can date itself back to when there were dog soldiers ,who are the skinwalker of the Navajo nation? they are medicine men who turned to black magic, and could shape shift into other animals ,and from what I'm told the most popular form was of a hudge wolf ,almost werewolf in its aperance.

The elders refuse to talk about them ,they are afraid it gives them power.

As far as the locals are concerned it's just an urban legend ,and they don't give much thought to the skinwalker.

As for me ,I have seen some very strange things near, and above our home.

It's very strange that lights appeared as if the whole mesa was on fire ,

it's been that way as long as anyone can remember.

That's why I wouldn't dream of possibly being on the reservation, thank goodness my parent's would not make me have to live there.

As for the town I'm sure they have heard of these things first hand but , I'm not sure what goes on is talked about much here people act like if no one talks about it , it would go away.

That doesn't sound like it's going away after listening to a few kids at lunch.

They were not sure what they had saw , just the other night , the same night Deanna and I had went to the dinner to pick up our dinner.