~8~ Becoming Friends Someday

"Not again Milady?!"

"Yes, Melly. We're going again towards the market"

Then just like that, the maid, the personal knight of the duke and Victoria had now again headed towards the market. It was again early in the morning and yesterday the three had fun roaming around the market after they have eaten inside the bakery. However, little did the two servants know what Victoria's purpose was about roaming inside the market

That was the time that she had found the narrow alley in the farthest corner of the market. It was dark inside when she focused her sight in it. However, it's only the exact time that an idea popped out of her mind. That's why she had been now in the carriage together with the two.

Well, early in the morning, she was smiling towards Melly teasing her about the dress that she used yesterday. That's the time that Melly already knew what will going to happen. She can only sigh with the current situation she's in.

Meanwhile, William and Olivia had been worried about their daughter.

"Say William, I've been thinking about it lately. However, it seems that our daughter had been frequenting towards the market nowadays"

"I'm also worried about it too Olivia. But let's not make it too serious Howald was there for her"

"I know even Melly was, but I just can't shake this feeling I'm feeling right now"

"Please don't say it's about something --- more like a bad one Olivia"

"I just hope it wasn't William. By the way, how was your proposal with the imperial family?"

"Oh that? It was just as good as always"

"I just hope that it's a good thing for our daughter. Hasn't the emperor talked any matters regarding our daughter's engagement with the crown prince?"

"Well, yesterday it seems like the emperor had been hearing a lot of rumors regarding our daughter's lost memories that's why instead of being serious to talk to me, he only laughed it off like. It seems that our daughter's illness had nothing to do with his majesty's decision"

"I'm just glad that we're always on the majesty's good side"

"Yes, however, Count Florence had been so quiet within these days. I felt like his policies and the well-built projects that are still ongoing was being halt"

"You think so? I also think that was the case. It was because of a maiden. It's just rumors by the way, but according to my friends --- he had been creating something to give for the crown prince's nearing birthday next month. That was the rumors"

"I just hope it's a good idea for him to give it to the majesty knowing that he was kind of obsess with beautiful things he's creating or even seeing"

"That's what Count Florence is somewhat creepy enough"

"Oh well, let's not talk about that anymore. What's more important was to talk about the current duke --- duke Felium and his son. I heard that they're visiting us for the weekend?"

"Oh, you're truly advance with those information my wife"

"It's just like me, my husband"

"Alright. You're too adorable to kept secrets with. Yes, they'll be visiting however it seems that Xyle Maximus the duke's son is a bit silent. He warned me however it's because I wanted my daughter to meet every duke's children that's why I invited him"

"You're not afraid that there will be relationship between the two?"

"How could I? Besides, Olivia --- Victoria was now engaged with the crown prince and you knew that the rest of the duke never have any family to begin with"

"Yes, I know that. I very much knew of that, William"

The two continued their talking inside William's office after looking for the fading carriage that Victoria was with the two servants. However, upon mentioning about the other dukes, their expressions suddenly changed


"Oh! Good morning!"

However, upon entering the bakeshop no one greeted the lady. What she only heard aside from her voice was that of the bell ringing after opening the door. She didn't know why but she felt some nervousness inside her heart.

Whenever she went inside the owner of the bakeshop always greeted her and the people behind her with a smile. However, right now, it seems like she felt coming inside was the wrong idea. However, she still managed to gulped and went to take a step forward

Yet, Melly was the one to talk to the lady ahead

"Milady, I think that the bakery was supposed to be closed"

"Oh! Is that so? Then why isn't it locked? Besides the windows in here were ope----"

Victoria wasn't able to continue what she was talking about because of a deep voice that interrupted her from speaking.

"The owner isn't available right now. He had a fever that's why I was the one to open the bakery as he had instructed me"

Upon hearing such deep yet alluring voice, Victoria had no choice but to turn ahead and saw a light blonde hair and crimson eyes in front of her. The individual was a gorgeous young man with a somewhat dirty clothes looking at her. At first she was speechless because even though he seemed ruthless in his appearance he was still the same character that Anne had been fantasizing. He was her favorite character even after reincarnating on Victoria's body

'Oh my goodness! George! He's my favorite character in this novel! He's finally speaking right in front of me! yesterday morning he only snorted back at me and ignored me however, right now he's speaking to me! oh well, I can't blame him though, it's because he hated nobles before he became one. However, he hated Victoria ever since he met her. So there's no doubt he'll eventually hate me this time. Yet, I'll change that. I'll change his point of view'

"Oh! So are you the one who'll be assisting us for today?"


"Well, before I get to pick some bread, I was hoping that you would pass my encouragement towards the owner. I hope that he gets well very soon. I'm already missing his warm greetings and smiles to us"


However, instead of replying immediately, Ger was stunned. It's because for the first time, he had seen a noble lady worrying about someone other than themselves. It was the first time with her to see some genuine smile from a lady that he thought was sophisticated. It's because all he thought was the ladies that always come in here wasn't for the bread but because he's here. He has been attracting lots of noble ladies or even commoner ladies to be in the place because of his handsome looks. Whenever the owner of the bakeshop wasn't around, they always fumble and talk to him and not giving a care why the owner wasn't around. They're not even buy some breads, they'll only talk to him and have him wrapped around their palms. However, the lady in front of him seemed to change that point of view a little.

He was stunned for the first time that a lady talked about the owner rather than proceeding to talk about the guy himself. He was more likely surprised because he had heard such warm greetings and encouragement from the lady to the owner of the bakeshop

"Oh, anyways would you please give us this and this? It's because I was so fond for the breads that I can't seem to eat anything other than these breads that the owner had been baking"


Ger suddenly stuttered. It's because he was surprised by the lady. Her brown hair and light brown eyes was a first time that captivated his sight. At first he wasn't interested at those gorgeous ladies. He even snorted at her when she greeted the owner and him yesterday in the early morning. However, right now, he can only realize how beautiful the lady was in front of her. He knew that the lady wasn't just beautiful however, kind inside and outside. That made his eyes widened for such surprise from the lady

"Uh, are you alright? You seemed like you've seen something horrifying. Oh please! Don't tell us there were ghosts inside of this bakeshop! I'm sure the owner was a good guy so there's no point that ghosts will hunt him around!"

Then as if Ger had seen a funny expression, he immediately and unconsciously laughed.

"You're funny"

"Well, I'm just stating the truth! What if there wer---"

Ger cut her off again

"No, there's no such thing as a ghost in here and you're true, the owner in here is a very nice guy"

"It is, right?!"

Then as if the lady hadn't been closer to him, her face was only inches away from him. However, instead of taking her opportunity like any other ladies do to Ger, she only paused in front of him while smiling genuinely as she stepped back again.

"Well, from now on, I'll let you know my name"

"Milady I think---"

That's the time that Melly had spoken because it's forbidden for nobles to say their names on strangers, unless the nobles wanted to be friends with them. Yet, Melly wouldn't want it for the lady because the guy --- even though handsome --- had such a cold look and demeanor. Besides, Melly and Howald knew that the lady had been engaged with the crown prince so talking to some young man with the same age at her is not favorable. Yet, it seems like Victoria hadn't yet known about the noble's policies because she hasn't yet briefed by the original novel that she had read.

However, Victoria cut Melly off by smiling sweetly at her

"Melly, I think sometimes, I also needed to have friends outside of the noble status, right Sir Howald?"


However, instead of immediately answering, the personal knight of the duke only sighed and nodded as if defeated by the lady

"I guess sit will not hurt the lady. Besides, I can distinguish if the lady is in danger or not. This young man seemed a little bit off however, he seemed harmless as of the moment"


"Melly, please?"

With that, like what Howald did earlier --- Melly sighed defeated and nodded afterward. Yet, Ger was confused because he hadn't known about any noble policies. However, instead of looking back and forth with the lady and her two servants, Ger only focused his sight towards the lady. He seemed captivated for the first time. Maybe he thought that someone --- some lady had been kind to him that's why he was feeling like that. he even gulped upon looking at the lady smile at one of her servant

"Oh! To be frank, I'm Victoria. You can also call me anything you want"

Then she was presenting her hands to Ger who was now looking at her pale yet gorgeous hands

"I'm Ger"

"Nice meeting you Ger. I hope that we could become friends someday"

'In that way, I'll be on your good side rather than the bad side'