~52~ Leaving Victoria for Hersha

"Your highness, may I excuse myself for a while? I needed to go to the comforts room for the time being"

'Seems like she should go. However, it's not the right time yet. We're currently dancing and she needed to remove herself now? I guess that's the only thing I won't allow'

After hearing those words - Charles didn't know why but the warmth that he's feeling earlier was now fading away as she said that she needed to remove herself from him for the time being

He only heaved a sigh after gearing those and nodded with a sift expressions

"Not right now, Victoria. Just right now - our efforts of being taught how to dance will go to waste if you did that. Just follow my lead"

After whispering those words beside her ears, Victoria immediately smelled Charles' cool elegant perfume which was making her dizzy for a moment. She's only glad that Charles was there to support her