~62~ The Theatre and the Performance

"Miss Hersha, are you alright? I apolo-----"

Giovanni wasn't able to finish what he was trying when Hersha talked to him reassuring him that it was alright

"I guess you'll have to give me another set of berries, later on, Giovanni. I missed eating them however, it was you who is what you brought here earlier"

"I'm sorry again - Miss Her----"

"No, it's alright. Just bring me some berries, later on, Giovanni"

After one word, Hersha immediately smiled at Giovanni making him smile in return

'If I only had met this lady in front of me than Lady Victoria then I would probably have fallen in love with her smiles. However, this part of my heart had already been occupied by someone that I didn't expect to know very well'

After those deep thoughts, Giovanni only shook his head as he went back - to cleaning the room with Hersha. It was until Hersha had acted weirdly that the book that she was being had fallen down the floor with her horrified look