~69~ Visiting the Maximus Duchy

"You know what Ashiel? I'm thankful for my father for permitting you to go with me towards Xyle's household"

Victoria spoke as they were already inside the carriage. However, she was still looking towards the window as she was smiling with the nostalgia of the warm summer breeze and rays cascading towards the surroundings. Yet, Ashiel, on the other hand, wasn't surprised at all - he was only looking seriously however gently towards Victoria

'I guess Victoria had a good friendship with the Maximus duchy, huh? However, I sense something different. Whatever it is, then I guess I'll have to find out'

With those thoughts running in Ashiel's head - he only nodded towards Victoria and looked towards the window where Victoria was looking

'However, I'm still glad that I get to see her and be with her again. Yet, this time it's ready permitted'

"Ashiel, do you remember Xyle?"

"You mean the one that saved me that day, Milady?"