~72~ Charles' Sudden Suspicions

"Greetings your highness"

"Greetings Darius is my father having his rest now?"

"His highness - the emperor - was already having his sleep. I advise you to visit him later this day, your highness"

"Alright, thank you Darius for always being there with us"

"It's always my ty and honor to serve you and the Imperial household, your highness"

"Alright, I'll have to visit then again - later this day Darius"

"Yes, your highness"

Then Darius bowed respectfully towards Charles show as already walking. away from his father's front door of his room.

'I'm just glad that there's Darius who will always be our loyal physician'

After thinking of those words, Charles only heaved a sigh as he looked towards the hall to find that it was empty

'How long have I been feeling this sadness again? I guess it's not that quite long'