~87~ Victoria's Plans

Morning came already - yesterday was a long day and Victoria couldn't even argue about it when all she does yesterday after doing what was important to her was - prepare her plans and that is about her plans inside the Zest household

The birds singing were being heard from outside, while the bright golden flakes of the sun flashes inside the room - slicing through the prism of the window just to bestow towards Victoria's soft and pale skin. The lady was soundly sleeping on her bed, but as soon as she felt the heat coming from the sun - her eyes immediately crumpled raising one of her eyebrows just to open one of her eyes to see a bright light engulfing her vision. That time, she made her hand block the rays as she opened both of her eyes and moved to a shadowy area to stretch her body and fully wake up

'Hmmm, it's weird, Melly should be around this time to wake me up but as I thought - she wasn't yet in here. Could there be a problem? Did something happen-----'