~95~ The Reason Why Ashiel Knew of Victoria and Melly's plan

Hours before the incident happened in the Zest household...

Melly was already inside the room of the lady - there Victoria and she talked about their plans and the potion that they made had in her hands. Little did they know that Ashiel was following Melly all along and he also followed her from where she got the potion called the 'Neoger'. However, he never saw the potion because it was well hidden in his pocket of Melly even after claiming it inside the narrow alley where he had claimed a potion that he thought was 'Dermin'.

Yet from that moment, from the moment that Melly went inside Victoria's room - his eyebrows began to crease - he was confused and curious about things that she couldn't put to words

'Why did the lady know of such a place?'