~105~ Diana - The Lady's Name

As soon as the old lady had said those words - her smiling face made the two travelers - Heil and Giovanni - spine shiver with some chills that they've felt upon seeing the lady that was surrounded by guys. It was until the lady spoke to the two that made them aware of where they were and in the current situation. It's because in their minds - they were already planning to escape from such people that were surrounding them accompanied by killing the lady that was in front of them with such a creepy smile

"Oh! I understand it now! Rest assured guys, these two people were only shy. Maybe it was their first time traveling to such places that they thought they were lost. Besides, I think that they weren't able to ask us first because they ran out of money? Don't worry - we'll offer the place free of charge - young sirs as we understand how hard it is to be a traveler"