~108~ Midnight Attack on the Deserted Land - Time for Escapade

As the two had already planned what they'll be doing - they immediately pretended to be asleep and that's the time that they already know in themselves that they already planned what will happen next if someone attacked them in the place. As they lay in the bed provided in their open room only covered by silk-like any other room there is, their eyes closed immediately. After a few seconds later that a shadow can be seen entering the room of the two young men, however - it wasn't like a shadow of a man, it was more like a slim figure shadow of a woman and Heil could see it knowing that he was only forcefully shutting his eyes closed. For Giovanni - he even had to pinch his elbows to notice such a shadow going near them. It was already near that they were tense just to wait for the next moves of the shadow only to know that it suddenly stopped. It stopped that made them more curious to see who the person was only to hear such words that made them open their eyes widely