~129~ Ashiel's Perseverance - Victoria's Surprise

'Well for father - he truly cared and love his family. That's why he's so overprotective with me and my mother as I will now soon have a sibling. From days that had passed by - the mother's womb is getting bigger and now - she was already four months pregnant. I just hope that we will stay as one big family. Well for the most part until I've decided to do my one last goal after all have been finishing'

Victoria heaved a sigh as she walked into the hall that was in between the household and the garden. She was supposed to visit the knight's training ground, however, her feet had brought her to someplace that she never expected she would go. There, she was only stunned to know that her feet had brought her to a calm place instead making her shake her head and heaved another sigh again. This time - she looked calmly at the place until she finally decided to go towards an olden seat there and looked around for a while