~138~ The Time Victoria Knew What Will Go On

Two days had passed and every day - Victoria felt like she had been seeing different traits of Ashiel as she always see him train after her lessons with her old private tutor Elphius. She always finds Ashiel there while wearing the necklace that he had given him since the day that she saw him train. There, every time that she's inside the knight's training ground the other trainees always greeted her with a smile accompanied with such accommodation until after Ashiel arrived and let the others go away from her. Ashiel felt like every time that the lady was there - she was always taken advantage of and that's why he always come to her rescue even if Victoria doesn't even realize such

From then on, Victoria can only chuckle at the way that Ashiel acted thinking that he's being too overprotective as a future knight of the lady

"Milady - are you going to the knight's training ground again?"