~175~ Unexpected Information - The Duke's Advice

The moment that Charles left the imperial household was the moment that he knew he'll have to tell by actions what he truly feels for the lady. Well, in reality, he had already sent a letter to the duke of the Chutlier before coming to the said household.

Now, he's confident that everything will go according to his plans. Besides, if he may not tell Victoria what he truly feels about his actions then he already knows that he can divert the topic to the hunting games and well as the knight's selection when there are already three days left for the trainees to return

With those plans in his mind, he knew that he couldn't even falter. He knew that he'll succeed in anyways, that's why he had to go to Victoria. Only then that the baggage inside of his heart could lessen their impact or some could even disappear just for him to let Victoria know