~180~ The Once Spy and the Servant of the Enemy's Land - Secret Escapade

Two people were inside the tunnel-like place that has many openings. With the place that sounded as if death was already near, two pairs of feet continued to walk on their journey to the unknown. The journey that will depict their life in a game of death. Seekers behind them were soaring everywhere to spot their souls. With every step that they took, every beat of their heart collided with the uncertainties. Delving their worries inside, they could only set them with the priorities set in their mind

The place was dark, with only dimmed lights that felt like a fireball of something magical. Never-ending place, sounds of footsteps echoing inside where they were, one could only gulp the anxiety building in them. Giovanni, who was following behind the old man, couldn't even stop staring at the place where they were. Eyes roaming at every corner, he felt like they were inside of a snake's stomach