~183~ Tamed beast - Ashiel's Training

Days had passed and Ashiel's training could never give any more shock to the trainees inside of the Moisle forest. All were surprised to know that he was good at everything. Even in the way that he trained, he can even surpass Dave and the other senior knights.

For Howald, it's only a good thing for him knowing that Ashiel was improving every day. It's not only that he was surpassing his seniors as it can always be seen in Ashiel's eyes the determination. Well, who wouldn't want the position that was top of the trainees? It was only to become the personal knight of the lady.

For others, it's only good for them to pass being a knight. However, for Ashiel, it's not only being a knight that he wanted. Most of all, he wanted to be close to the lady, he wanted to protect her and he wanted to love her from afar. Even though he couldn't say what he truly feels for the lady as he's only a mere servant - commoner turned knight just because of the lady's help