~185~ The Chase for The Rat

In the forest, it was still bright as the morning. The surroundings were lightened up by the golden warm rays of the sun and there's no doubt that the rat who infiltrated will never be caught.

Hermond was taking his time, he was walking around the forest like enjoying himself on a nice breezy morning tour. Only that, the morning wasn't meant to be like a tour, more like a hunt for the prey that they just caught.

Hersha, after blocking their view was immediately attacked on her back. She lost consciousness by that, but before darkness took over her, she heard Hermond's evil laughter

"Poor you, just the moment that you saved him did he left and never turn his back"

Remembering what he had said earlier to Hersha, before taking her inside of their secret place, made him chuckle for a second.

'Such a rat we have in here'