~191~ Victoria's Warmth - Charles' Soft Features

After saying those words, Loyeal - the old lady - giggled at the two. At first, it made the two feel numb to their places. However, after all, that's been said and done, as well as after hearing the old lady's giggles, Victoria tightly gripped Charles' hand and looked at him seriously

"Since we're already here, care to know our fate with the owner of the shop?"

Charles wanted to say that it's alright not to. However, just after he looked at Victoria, he knew that he couldn't even reject her. She was already smiling sweetly at Charles, her eyes that symbolize hope for him were all enough to realize if he had a chance to her at all.

'Come to think of it, if the old lady was a fortune-teller then I can also ask about my future with Victoria, right?'