~197~ Charles' Strange Action - Victoria's Unexplained Emotions

After what had happened in the market as well as what the two learned from the old lady in the flower shop, they immediately head to the lady's household. The moment that Victoria was about to come out of the carriage was the moment that Charles suddenly grabbed a hold of the lady's hand, however, he caressed it gently

It made Victoria's eyes widen for the sudden actions of the young gorgeous man that was right in front of her. Her eyebrows started to crease for a moment, while her mouth slightly parted. Everything about the moment made Victoria look at Charles that she couldn't even utter a single word from within her throat

She doesn't even know what to do for a moment, she was utterly surprised once again at Charles' sudden actions. However, upon looking at him, Victoria calmed her thoughts. Her heart which was about to beat faster than before made its way to calm down for a bit as she looked at how adorable Charles was.