~220~ Charles' Moment with Victoria

After doing so, Charles couldn't even control the tight grip that he was sending within Victoria's waist. However, it was only gentle enough to make her feel that she needed to act like his fiancee - or so the lady thought. that's why with no further hesitation, Victoria heaved a sigh and shook her head. She plastered the sweetest and most genuine smile that she could ever make and looked at Charles in the eyes

"Of course, I've been worried about you as well, Charles. I've been worried about you three because you're all my friends"

A sweet voice reverberated within the three young men's ears. However, both pairs of eyes widened, the moment that Victoria held one of Charles' cheeks and caressed them softly. The latter felt warmth making his features soften. At that moment, he knew that things were already going on the right path for his plans