~260~ The New Emperor of the Lambourge Empire - Heil's New Name

The morning couldn't be better than any other one, as Elion thought. He was within the garden of vines in his imperial household. Having his tea there while putting his sword beside his chair was enough to feel warmth in such a cold place

Before he could even take a sip of his morning red tea, the small rays of the sun had already enveloped his figure

Yet he never faltered with it. He could never get angry at a thing that he had done in the first place

Besides, whenever the sun always strikes his whole being, he would always remember the lady he met back when he ass young

It always reminds him of a noble lady he was linking for those whole years that he hadn't seen her

Well, it's ready enough that he had gifted her a red rose that night without even saying anything to her just to bid his farewell