~267~ Disguised as Servants of the Hazier Imperial Household - Familiar Paintings

"You three, how come that you're late? You were the new servants within the household. Now come and follow me."

One of the chief servants within the household of the Hazier imperial palace said. He was wearing a red and white uniform. Unlike the people within the empire, the servants had some face to show only that a see-through cloth covered the lower part of the face, but that's it. After that, clothes covered their whole body, but it wasn't as loose as the people outside the market

It was enough to hug their every figure

As the three nodded respectfully, they followed the chief servant in a way that they saw how servants walked earlier

After taking part in that observation, Fahar took the lead, followed by Giovanni and Haine at the last

As they walked, they couldn't help but stay alert and attentive. The three may have entered the palace, but there's no guarantee that there weren't eyes that were looking at them