~272~ The Predictable Day Had Come - What The Heiston Empire Had in Store

Then just like in a blink of an eye, the awaited night had finally come. As the serene, peaceful breeze caressed everything it went onto, a particular figure hidden from the dark expressed his disdain and, at the same time, grin - that anyone could shiver

As he uncovered himself from the narrow place overshadowed by the building, he let his hood down, only to bestow his appearance in the silver rays of the moon

However, the said man wasn't alone. He had some allies behind him, and they were ready to attack when needed

"You all, you just needed to lie low for the time being. We don't need to rush."

His deep, dangerous voice made everyone shiver. His figure was enough to feel like he was a true killer.

Just as he was about to walk towards the place, he raised one of his eyebrows to feel something odd