~278~ Heil and Giovanni's Encounter - Elion Getting the Lady He Loves, Ashiel's Bloody Mind I

Howald, the bloodied knight, did what Elion wanted him to do. Just as the young man went to the lady's room, the latter immediately took Dave's unconscious state and informed the other knights - their allies roaming around. Since he couldn't bear to be conscious for a moment, the knights he had spoken to took care of him until he gained consciousness once more

However, times had already passed since he never said those important words about a confident young man coming into the lady's room

He should've said those words knowing that it could endanger the lady but based on his capacity, even before he could utter a single comment regarding the young man, darkness had already taken over his mind


He could hear his own voice utter painful words. He felt as if the ground he had fallen on was hard, but then, when Ashiel realized that it was soft, he had already been laid in another place that had foam