~286~ Claiming Victory from the Opponents - Ashiel's Reward, His Nomination as the Son of the Hazier Emperor II

The place where the two went together with the beast and the sleeping lady was the imperial household. Since the vast place, Ashiel narrowed his eyes and focused on his senses, especially his hearing senses.

Howald, looking at Ashiel, creased his eyebrows until he seemed to notice what the latter was doing. In his life, Howald had never met someone like Ashiel who can be caring towards a particular lady and a monster toward enemies

It was the first time he had known someone like that, all because of Ashiel. That's when Howald realized there were always people who remained faithful to themselves even if time passed. Since he hasn't stayed within the Chutlier household for three years, Howald had the thought that Ashiel may have forgotten about the lady