~288~ Claiming Victory from the Opponents - Ashiel's Reward, His Nomination as the Son of the Hazier Emperor IV

The war came to a halt the moment the two empires came to an agreement and a treaty. Heiston put on the role of overseer towards the Lambourge empire, and that also have the right to nominate a trustworthy leader. Given that the previous late young emperor had issued a war against the Heiston, the nobles of the former empire granted them those rights

Currently, Charles is in his office. He saw all the documents that his messenger gathered within the day from the Lambourge empire. It may seem as if the messenger was fast, but the other empire also sent the necessary message to a messenger, and they met in the middle of the boundary place

As he was scanning the documents, his eyes caught on to something, and it was words that the Lambourge empire swore to never wage war again towards the Heiston or any other empires in the world

That's when Charles thoughtfully nodded

'It seemed as if they had learned their lessons'