~294~ Howald's Time with Melly - Dave's Feelings towards Greya I

After waving goodbye to her sister's carriage once more, Blazed eyed everyone around the entrance only to see familiar faces. Since he was born three years ago, the servants had been kind not only to his sister and parents but as well as for him

He knew that everyone had a right to do what they were tasked to do, but then, every time that he felt lonely because his sister was busy, Melly would always be there for him, just like what his sister told him

Greya, on the other hand, would give him cookies that she baked since Victoria requested them to be gentle with her brother. For the servants, even if the lady didn't ask it, they'll surely be good and gentle towards the young master id the household

Not only because he was born a noble but because the servants wanted to respect him but because he was born just like a kind young baby boy. The household had been in great optimism the day Blaze was born