Side Story: Xyle's POV ~The Psychopath Changes~

Women are the same. They were disgusting. One minute they married and became wives, but in the end, they eloped with another man. For what?

I hated my mother. No, hate couldn't describe what I felt for her, or it was more than that. The time she decided to leave father and me, I came to hate women

They're very nasty to the core. Yet, father couldn't even have the right emotions after all. What did he do? He never fought to have her. Instead, he let her go like a coward

In reality, he's genuinely meek, timid, and nowhere near what I admire. Sometimes, I wonder what life he would get if I suddenly left him

That's not the case. If I leave this household, then it would mean that I'm leaving all my plans behind

One thing was to kill women who dared touch me

Then one day, my father came to talk to me. I wasn't in the mood, but I still went. The looks of the maids, they were terrified, and it only ignited a fire within me