Chapter 6:

With the end of the Sports Festival the students are now preparing for the exam. But Shi Lu was not at school instead she's in the company finishing her plan. 'hmmm now all i need is that Hu Lan would break our engagement in the party' she thought while smiling her smile was chilling.

Hu Lan and Shi Lu in the original story was engaged since they were young but Shi Lu didn't know until Hu Lan broke thier engagement on her birthday. She was devastated and heart broken but this only made in worse she started sceaming against the female lead and the Hu Family. Her sceam was successful only for a few days with the help of the female lead they counter attack and the Shi Family got bankrupt and she got killed.

While recalling the original story she was looking at the window in a daze. "Thana after we finish our task we are free to leave right?" Asked [Yes host] "Then if we leave what will happened to me" curiously [Host the system will give the body to the original owner, she is lock inside of you watching everything] "I see" i mumbled.

*Knock knock knock*

"Come in" said coldly and the door opened "Princess how is everything" dad asked i smiled "Doing good now all i have to do is wait, the shares have already been brought by thier enemy and we will stop our co-operation after he broke our engagement" said evilly. Dad just noded approvingly and discuss the rest about the company.

*After 3 day's*

It's been 3 day's since Shi Lu didn't come to school Chen Lou was worried but there's nothing she can do, she didn't have Shi Lu's number or wechat.

(Hu Lan's POV)

I've been happy this 3 day's since that b*tch didn't come to school i was in a good mood.


My phone sound and open it i was a message from my parents. "Xiao Lan Shi Lu's birthday is tonight you better go and bring a gift dont embarrassed us" txt from my dad

'Tskk' thought. 'I will break our engagement tonight once and for all' he thought then he glanced at Chen Lou.

'Only she is worthy' smiled at my thoughts. Little did i know it was the biggest mistake and the reason for me to suffer.

(Shi Lu's POV)

This 3 day's we are preparing for my birthday we also invited reporters to broadcast the party. I was in my room taking my beauty rest while waiting in the evening


It was already 7:00 guest are arriving and talking in the ball room.

"Today's the birthday of the young Shi everything was well prepared" guest

"What can we say she's the daughter of the richest man in our country" guest

"They also invited the media to broadcast live" guest

They were all chatting until the door opened a young man walked in with confidence he was wearing a formal suit.

"Its the Hu's son he came "

"He's so handsome"

Whisper's nare heard among the invited guest but he ignored them and sit on the chair away from the crowd.

"Yo Hu Lan it's been a while" said a playful voice

"It's been a while Wen Can" Hu Lan said cold, Wen Can is thier competitor in business. He sat down across me while holding a glass of champagne.

"I heard that you are going to announce your engagement live today" he said

"Tskk... Just wait" Hu Lan arrogantly

Wen Can didn't mind his tone 'lets see how long you act arrogantly' he thought then drink his champagne leisurely.

When Mr. Shi appreared in the middle of the ballroom near the stairs.

"Welcome everyone and thank you for attending my daughter's 18 birthday" Mr. Shi said then a woman with a moonlight dress walk towards Mr. Shi she put on a light make up making her look more beautiful, her hair straight with a little bit of curl on the ends, and her dress fit perfectly on every curve on her body.

"Thank you everyone for attending my birthday today. I hope you all have a great time" said normally then walked down the stairs with her father supporting her.

[Host the audiance online are going crazy] Thana said while looking at the live broadcast

'hihihi let them I'm going to enjoy this moment for a bit'

The live broadcast was on and everyone was watching the party

"Waahhhh the place is gorgeous"

"Waahhh look even celebrities have attended"

"Look my idol is here waaahhhhh"

"Damn look at Shi Lu she's so beautiful"

"Her dress looks seductive"

"I'm so jealous"

The audiance was bitter looking at the party with lots of famous people that attended.

Shi Lu greeted every guest until she came to Hu Lan's place "Thank you for attending Mr. Hu" said coldly he just ignore me. But i didn't care then it's time for the engagement

"Now today we have an announcement. Today i would like to announce----...." Mr.Shi was cut suddenly

"Break our engagement" a voice said loudly people then looked at the person who talked and saw Hu Lan.

"Xiao Lan what did you say" Mr. Shi asked

"Uncle, i would like to break mine and Shi Lu's engagement" Hu Lan said seriously people around them was shocked. Mr. Shi was frowning

"Hu Lan what is the reason you want to break your engagement" he asked coldly his eyes are squinched they know he was angry.

"Uncle, i know you agree together with my parents that i will be engaged with Shi Lu but uncle i only see her as a sister no more than that" he said calmly

They were silinced no one dare make a noise even the audiance in the broadcast were silent.

"I see, starting today the Shi Family will stop all cooperation and connection with the Hu Family" he announced making everyone heard it loud and clear.

"Mr. Hu you made this decision there's no turning back" Mr. Shi said

Hu Lan was stunned he didn't expect that breaking the engagement it has stop cooperation and connection to the Shi Family. He was snap out of his thoughts when his phone rang it was his father.

" Fathe----" cut him

"DON'T CALL ME FATHER YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD DID YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID" his father shouted at him he was really angry

"Father i----" cut again


Hu Lan clenched his fist tightly he was angry but he can't say a word.

"COME HOME NOW YOU BASTARD AND I WILL KILL YOU" he said then hang up. Hu Lan had no choice but to go home immediately.

[Ding.... Congratulations to the host 87% of the plot has been completed]

'Hmmm looks like i just need to wait for Chen Lou'

[Host why are you waiting for the female lead]

'Thana everything i did was to make Hu Lan a bastard in Chen Lou's eyes. The female lead hated bastards, there's a hidden plot when Chen Lou was in middle school she had a friend who got cheated by her bastard boyfriend and her friend was heart broken then she commited suicide.

[I didn't know there was a plot like that]

'Well i did have someone investigate her when we first come here'

[Host your a genius] thana praise her host Shi just smiled


(Chen Lou's POV)

Chen Lou was watching the live broadcast of Shi Lu's birthday. She saw her in her beautiful moonlight dress she was too stunning that no words can be said on the word 'Perfect' came out my lips.

I was looking at her without blinking until i heard the engagement of the too.

"Break our engagement" Hu Lan said

I was listening to them talking then stared at Shi Lu i saw her emotionless but her eyes in tears that made my heart hurt. (She's acting) 'Hu Lan i swear i will nake you regret' that thought was now my priority.

Chen Lou knows that she loved Shi Lu since she first got to know her she was smart enough to figure out her feelings. But she felt she was not good enough so she study hard and hopefully create a company worthy of her.

*End of the party*

The party has ended early and the guest went home after they all eat dinner.

*After 2 days*

The exams are done and now were looking at our scores Chen Lou got the highest score and the dean had already asked to meet her. I was in the classroom reading a book.

"Xiao Lu" called a sad voice then i looked at the source


"Xiao Lu i got accepted overseas to continue my studies" she said sadly i waited for her to continue

"I'll be gone for 2 years" said bitting her lower lip

"Then what's holding you back" i asked softly

'YOU' chen lou thought

"I.... Are you not sad that I'm leaving" she asked while looked a me with sad eyes

"No" straight answer Chen Lou was about to cry when she heard my answer

"I won't miss you because i know you will return, missing means to me that you won't be back so i won't miss" i said then she suddenly lift her head up to me and i smiled at her.

When i saw her smile i vowed to myself to always protect that smile, if going to abroad can i protect her then so be it. When i return i will be strong enough to have her and hopefully confess my love for her.

The next day Chen Lou sat down inside the plane looking at the view one last time. I saw Shi Lu waving at me her face was softfen while she smiled at me. 'Wait for me to come back Xiao Lu'.....