Chapter 9: Extra- Chen Lou and Shi Lu (R-18)

(Author: It's my first time doing a R-18.)

After dating for two years Chen Lou and Shi Lu finally got married. "I now pronounce you wife and wife"

With that they kissed to seal thier vows and cheers can be heard among the crowd.

"Congratulations 👏" they all said we hold hands and thank them. We went to our parents and saw hem crying

"Wahhh finally you both get married" mom said while wiping her tears

"Now that your married hurry and give us our grandkids" dad suddenly said. Chen Lou blush hard and everyone laugh

"Dad don't worry we will work hard tonight" Shi Lu said seriously and wink at Chen Lou seductively. Earning a blush from her.

(Shi Lu's POV)

After the party me and my wife left the reception early. We walk for a bit going to our room, infront of the door. I immediately carried Chen Lou bridal style earning a shreik from her.

"H...honey" she said shocked i giggled at her

"Sorry but i want to carry to our room" i said a bit hoarse

I know she likes it when i talk to her hoarsely i notice that she would always bite her lower lip. She didn't say anything but put her hands around my neck.

I carried her inside the room and kick the door of our room i slowly put her down the bed. And went to close the door


I return by her side and saw her nervous i smile at her

"Honey, please forgive me in advance if later i may be rough later" i said softly. She shake her head

"It's fine love you do whatever you want to me. Were already married both my body and soul are yours" she replied.

I started kissing her passionately savoring her sweet lips until our kiss started getting rough. Putting my tongue inside her mouth tasting, bitting and sucking her i earn a moan. We parted our kiss and looked at each other. We kiss again but this time we were slowly removing our dress.

We unzip our dress and remove it while were still kissing. I started kissing and sucking her neck leaving her hickeys while both my hands are playing with both her nipples.

"Ahhh... h...honey" she moan near my ear making me hot all over now I want to devour her, with both her hands around my neck. I started softly bitting her colar bone

Going down to chest and start pinching, biting softly and sucking her nipples at the same time. Her moan got louder

"Honey...ahhhh..... please" she beg. My right hand went down caressing her thigh going to her core "ahhhhh" she was sensitive. I felt her core wet and play with it. After I'm satisfied on her chest i went down and saw her core drench "Your dripping wet honey" i said teasingly but she was embarrassed i went up to her and kiss her.

Then went back down i positioned my tongue on her core and saw her whimpering. I then start the very first lick "ahhhhh" she moan loudly while her hips arch. I keep licking and sucking her clitoris "ahhhh...yes...h..honey ... more...ahhhh" while both her hands are on my head pulling it closer to her core and continue to lick her until i felt her body tense "h...honey...i.. I'm cumming" she said cumming inside of my mouth i lick it all.

Without giving her time to rest i put two of my fingers inside her "ahhhhh" feeling the sudden pleasure she cried in satisfaction. I started thrusting in and out deeper on her core, her moans are getting louder by the minute. She covered her mouth with her other hand trying to muffle her moan "Don't cover your mouth hon let me hear your moan" i said huskly then i put another finger inside her. Her eyes widen and her hand was removed out of her mouth her body was trembling in pleasure her core started to tighten it was so tight "Ahhhh....h...honey.... I'm cumming agian" she moan loudly as she reach her climax again. I pull out my fingers inside her and went ot the table took out the pill and put in my mouth with water.

(Chen Lou's POV)

I had reach my second orgasm i body was already trembling in the after flow making me sensitive, each touch of my lover send waves of pleasure to my whole body. Then she made me drink something but I didn't question her instead i drink it in her mouth, we continue to kiss.

"Are you ready my love" she asked i just noded and she opened my legs and position herself in a scissor position.

Then she started moving back and forth fast "ahhhhh" i felt the waves of pleasure down my core i kept moaning louder and louder it was so good.

Shi Lu kept thrusting in then she saw her wife's face is lewd and drool on the side of her mouth. This ignite something inside her and thrust even more this cause her wife's hip to create an arch.

" almost there" i said gripping the bed sheets. " too" she said her thrust became wild nearing our climax



After a bit of rest i felt something being rub on my core i opened my eyes and saw my wife with a dildo on her. She looked at me like a prey then she lick her lips. Instead of being scared i got excited i want her to dominate and pour her lust on me i want to give her all of me.

She kissed me roughly then i felt the dildo going inside of me "hmmmmaahhh" moan in her mouth. She kept pushing deeper until it stop on my cervix "ahhhhhh" in a single thrust my hymen broke I didn't feel pain instead an unbelievable pleasure run through my body. Both my hands grip the bedsheets tightly.

She slowly thrust in and out "Baby your so tight" she then speed up her hips thrusting even more inside my core i cried in pleasure "ahhhh....honey" i cried. The dildo was going in deeper inside as she thrust more and more. Suddenly i felt that she hit my g-spot over and over again making me moan more louder. Im going crazy now and any moment i will lose myself to her. Her thrust became wild while both her hands are playing with my nipples. I kept having my orgasm then i felt something "ahhhh ..honey I'm cumming" her hips move faster "ahhhhhhhhhhhh" with the final thrust we came hard. She removed the dildo inside me then she lay beside me kissing my forehead.

We were tired after that i lay my head on my wife's chest and drift off to dreamland.

Little did she knew the medicine that Shi Lu fed her was about to change her life forever.

*After a week*

(Shi Lu's POV)

For a week Chen Lou started to have morning sickness so we went to the doctor and it was a success she became pregnant. I was so happy and my wife looked at me confused and scared i calm her down.

Then explain to her about the pill that it was given by a friend as a gift that's all i said. Then we announce it to our parents and they were over the moon the grandkids they wish for is coming on 9 months.

*9 months later*

Chen Lou gave birth to a beautiful twins a boy and a girl. The first time I saw them i cried and gently carry them both on my arms. Then looked at my wife who is tired after giving birth i kiss her forehead "Thank you honey for giving the best gift of all" i said lovingly she smiled at me and sleep.

Our parents spoiled our children they both grow up healthy our son Liam looked like me and our daughter Luna looked like Chen Lou. It was a mini version of us im beyond thankful to Qiran for helping get my happiness.