Chapter 16: Apocalypse

(Nan Yue's POV)

We walk around the playground killing zombies and collecting evolution stone. We found a place hidden behind the horror house it was filled with different kinds of flowers it was beautiful we sat down for a while enjoying the view. Then it made me think of her mission

"Honey where do you plan to build your base" i ask looking at her

"Hmmm actually before i met you for a month i went looking but nothing suit my taste for the location"

"What kind of place are you looking for"

"Actually before i didn't meet you i was planning in the forest but since i met now i want it on a hill overseeing the sea my love for you is as deep and wide as the sea that it can't be measured. It will become a symbol and a witness that my love for you can't be shaken by anything"

She said kneeling down as she held my hand like a precious treasure. She was so romantic my face was blushing as i looked at her continue speaking.

"Nan Yue before I met you i was in love once to the point i would go crazy and harm others, i was rejected many times but my heart is stubborn and continue chasing that person i didn't know what love was at the time. I just want him"

She said telling her past to be honest i don't care about the past but as she told she chased someone else my heart throb in pain im on the verge of crying but i held it back so she can continue telling me her story.

"Maybe the reason I chased him was because he showed me a bit of warmth that i didn't get. Since i was a child i have no parents and i grew up in the orphanage i cant fit in the other's because I was different from them the adults in the orphanage would give me treat me differently from them isolating me. I grew up without love so it was the first time someone showed me warmth"

My tears are about to come out but still held it back as she said her past she was left alone and isolated since young i was lucky i have my parents until they died in a car accident when i entered college but at least I received warmth from them.

"When the apocalypse start the person i like pushed me towards the zombies so he can run away he said he would take care of me but he betrayed me, that made me realize why did i like a bastard. luckily i have good stamina and dodge the claws of the zombies. That's why I'm covering my face not to get recognize until i had my revenge"

She said with deep hatred, I'm glad she realizes that he is a bastard. Then she removed her mask showing that beautiful perfect face that was covered and only i can see her beauty. The face that made me speechless everytime I look at her, i was falling yet again to her i was always drawn by her face.

"My love now that you know my dark past, I'm not perfect but i can guarantee you that i can protect you and love you at the same time. I will not let anything hurt you in anyway and i will treat you as my queen.... Nan Yue.... Will you marry me my love"

My heart a beating fast like never before, my hands are sweating and my tears are falling down my cheeks.

"Yes...yes yes a million times yes"

I said happily as she stood up and claim my lips we kissed passionately as the wind blew. We parted breathlessly then she opened a small box with a beautiful ring it has a exquisite design, the diamond on the middle was colored voilet with silver just like the color of our eyes. She put the ring on the left hand then kissed the back of my hand.

"I love you Baby"

"I love you too Honey"

We kept saying our love towards each other savoring the moment. Words alone can't describe the love we have for each other, the love we had was just like the sea.

(Su Meng POV)

*The night before*

I was laying in bed in a daze I have been thinking about us for a while now she kept running around my mind. My love for her was over flowing that i need a reassurance if i want to continue.

[Host are you okay] Thana asked worriedly

'Thana i think I'm gonna propose early'



[Are you serious host] Thana said excitedly .

'Yea I'm serious Thana but I don't know where i want it tomorrow'

[Host i have scanned the area where the plot will take place. Behind the horror house there's a hidden flower garden filled with different kinds of flowers] Thana said as she show me the place in the screen panel.

'Woah this place is beautiful thank you Thana' i said excitedly we found a perfect place to propose in the apocalypse.

[Host do you have ring to give her]



[Host your going to propose without a ring]

It's true I don't have a ring what use that i will propose to her and I don't even had a ring. I held my head dejected

[Don't worry host you can just purchased the ring from the shop] my eyes lit up

'I love you Thana'

[Hehehehe anything for my host]

'Thana open the shop i want the most expensive ring'

[Okay host]

Then a blue panel appeared showing beautiful and expensive rings. The rings have exquisite designs with different kinds of stones in the middle, i was looking scrolling through the panel.

"Thana can you recommend of any ring that suits Nan Yue"

[Host how about her favorite color]



[Host don't tell me you don't know]


I didn't say anything I have no idea what her favorite color or food. I don't know anything about her i didn't even ask when we first met. I was busy thinking about the plot that i forgot. I'm an idiot.

[Host don't be sad, how about looking for a ring that matches your eyes]

"Your a genius"

Then immediately looked for a ring with violet color, a ring caught my eyes. The ring was exquisite with rose patterns on both sides of the stone, the diamond has both silver and violet color in the center both colors are connected not mixing like ying ang yang.

"Thana what do think of this ring"

[It's perfect host it also has both your eye color]

Thana agreed it was indeed beautiful then purchased it together with a exquisite box of the ring. Then kept in my space inventory and was excited all night that i only slept when dawn was near.


Were still in the garden appreciating the view and our engagement.

"Baby we should keep our relationship private for now"

"Why honey"

"I think the captain likes you"

"What.... I feel sorry for him I'm already engaged with a goddess"

She said looking at the ring on her hand i was amused by her response.

"Honey even if the captain likes me i can just say that I'm engaged with you"

"Baby do you remember when i told you i chased someone before"

"Hmmm yea"

She said then she tighten her grip on my hand i know she wants to know who that person is. I told her the ending of the original owner in the story since it's true. I took a deep breath

"That person is.....Pei"

(Nan Yue's POV)

I was sitting on my fiance's lap while my head is in her shoulders resting. When she suddenly said to keep our relationship private but i want everyone to know that she belong to me and i her's.

"Why honey" i asked

"I think the captain likes you" she said i was shocked but only for a second.

"What.... I feel sorry for him I'm already engaged with a goddess"

As i said that i heard a giggle from my fiance everything she does i always find it seductively cute.

"Honey even if the captain likes me i can just say that I'm engaged with you" i said looking at her

"Baby do you remember when i told you i chased someone before"

"Hmmm yea"

How can i not remember, i was dying to know who made her like that. She's such a beautiful, caring and loving person though she is cold because she doesn't know how to express her self. I get to know that when i became her girlfriend or even before i became her's. As i waited for her to tell me who, the grip of my hand tighten up a bit.

"That person is.....Pei"

When she said the name i was both shocked and angry i always thought he was a good person but he actually tried to kill the love of my life. I put him on my block list as a bastard, that's why she always wore a mask so she can easy get revenge.

"What's your plan honey"

I asked her seriously this is the first time I was serious, if it's related to her I'm always serious.

"For now my love we'll have to wait even if we keep our relationship private we can still be intimate when no one is around"

She said softly I noded 'Pei Wei since you tried to harm my lover then don't blame for being ruthless' i thought. While i was enjoying her stroking my head gently.

A few minutes later we left the place and went to meet the other's, we saw Dale and Zhen waiting. Noticing us he waved at us

"Have you guys saw Lyn" he asked curiously then on the corner of my eye saw my fiance wink.

"No we don't, we didn't even saw her when we were teaming earlier"

I lied then the other's start coming also everyone bought was carrying bags of evolution stone's. Then the captains also come.

"Captain, Lyn is missing" Dale said seriously

"What .....did no one team up with her" he said coldly

"No captain i didn't even see her when we were teaming up" Su

"Did she left by herself. Go let's look for her" he said then we dispatch searching

Su and i with the captains we secretly hid her body else where, we were guiding them to where we transfer her body.

"Wait i smell blood" Bill said the captain of the other team

"Can you trace where is it"

"Yea follow me"

Then he started sniffing and found the corpse all bloody

"S...she" i pretend to be shocked

"Looks like she was scratch by zombies some of her flesh is missing" bill said inspecting the body

Then our captain started vomiting on the side.

"Let's burn the body even if we burried it zombies can still smell the blood under ground"

We all noded and bill burn the body it smelled like a burnt plastic. After burning her body we went back to the meeting place and told them what happened.

We went back and collected our points, it was already in the evening so after we went home we immediately went to bed a lot has happened today.


The next day we went to the canteen and Boss Murong is there waiting for us. I don't know why he always appear infront of us.

"Good morning Boss Murong" we both greeted him

"Good morning girls" he said but his eyes are on me i frowned

"Is Boss Murong here to eat again"

"Yes the meal here in the canteen is delicious"

We went inside and order some food and sat down he sat infront of us, while we were eating i keep noticing him looking at me.

"Boss Murong you keep looking at me do i have a dirt on my face"

"What.... Oh no no I'm sorry for rudely staring at you"

He said as he apologize i only noded and continue eating. Today was our rest day and we went to the artificial lake in the base with fishes.

Boss Murong had something to do so he can't join us arriving at the lake i saw a lot of fish swimming around

"Wahhhh look honey there's a lot of fish"

"Do you want to catch some fish"

I noded and she went to get the fishing rod on the store near the lake. She came back with two fishing rods then hand me the other one.

"Honey can you teach me how to catch a fish"

I said since i don't know how to use this fishing rod then she went behind me and hold my hand that was holding the fishing rod.

"First, put a bait on the hook. Second stand firmly and hold the rod. Third, throw the hook towards the water don't hold the reel so it can easily be thrown"

She said demonstrating as i throw the hook in the water i was eagerly waiting for the fish to come. When suddenly a woman came near us with a big belly.

"You guys looked close. Are you a couple"

She said and from the corner of my eye i saw Pei coming

"No" Su said as she wink at me

I only smiled knowing her smile then i saw her went near my fiance and touch her hand. This made me jealous almost instantly why did she have to touch my fiance.

Before i could go to them Su removed her hand skillfully away from her

"Miss please don't touch me so casually" she said coldly but the woman just looked at her.

Even if she is wearing her mask she is still beautiful given by the mask she gives off a mysterious vibe of beauty. Now i know how it feels to be jealous when she touch my fiance my possessiveness and jealously was taking over my head. Taking a deep breath i calm my myself, going to side i held her hand possessively smiling naturally.

"Hello miss may i know who you are"

"Oh where's my manner's my name is Bai the wife of the right hand of Boss Murong"

"Nice to meet you Miss Bai"

"Nice to meet you too"

Seeing her about to speak again i immediately found an excuse.

"Su let's go back I'm tired"

I said she noded then immediately return the fishing rods i was behind following not allowing her out of my site.


Bai went to the cafe where a guy was waiting for her

"Where is she?" Guy asked

"That girl is smart" Bai said

Many girls in the base liked Murong the girls all talked that whoever Murong liked we will accept it with no hatred and then rumours spread that Murong liked a girl but he didn't get yet so they planned today she should invite them to drink with sleeping pills so they could send her to his bed.


If Su knew they're plan they won't have survived today and was killed on the spot.


(Su Meng POV)

We stayed in the based for a week the others are now comfortable staying here but we have to leave. I know Pei wants to go X base to find his parents who died leaving an important letter.

"Captain we need to go now"

"I know i will go ask if the others want to come"


He said then he first went to Zhen

"Zhen we will be going to X base do you want to come with us"

"Sorry captain but i like it here i would like to stay" i noded

"Okay good luck Zhen"

then i went to Dale next

"Dale do you want to come with us we'll go to X base"

"Captain forgive me but i want to settle here and live a peaceful life"

"I won't force and I'm glad you made your choice then we'll be going first" i said and wave him goodbye


When Pei return he was alone indicating that the other's decided to stay. As we were about to go Boss Murong came running to us. I'm sure someone told him that we were leaving and he run here to stop her.

"Nan Yue are you really leaving"

"Yes Boss Murong thank you for your hospitality but we have other affairs to attend to"

"Can you not go for me"

"I don't understand Boss Murong? Why?" Nan Yue was about to ask 'why would i' but that's rude so i change it to why.

"Nan Yue i like you and i can give you anything you want as long as you say it" he said

"I'm sorry Boss Murong but I don't like you"

Nan Yue said 'I aslo don't like your scent' she thought

"Let's go girl's" pei said then went inside the car

"Good bye Boss Murong and thank you" Pei said the immediately drove away.
