Chapter 18: Apocalypse (R-18)

(Su Meng POV)

"No no no not this place"

"This place is covered in moss"

"Yaaahhh how can someone live here there's a swamp"

"There's a lot of trees"

[Host you okay]

"This is really hard"

Thana and i are near the sea i was complaining after defeating the zombie king. Thana searched for a place near the sea and a lot showed up, we went to each one and none of it are my ideal place that i told Nan Yue. One place is worse than the other and the location was not safe.

[Host don't give up there's still one last place that we didn't go]

"Fine i just hope that this will be the one"

Then drove the car going north as we drive by there were no zombies in the place. Parking the car on a small hill, got out and saw the perfect view.

"Yes this is place finally"

I said excitedly the hill was overseeing the sea in a small hill and the surrounding place has a small forest with a few trees a great place to have a picnic. The grass are neat and clean and there's no zombie around.

"This place is where i would build our base i hope you like it here Su Meng"

I said i know she is watching what I'm doing since she will take over me after I'm done with the mission. I didn't feel sad since i know they will be happy.

The more i looked around the more satisfied i get, it was a magnificent view i know that Nan Yue would like it here.

"Thana how about we start building the house"

[Okay host but what kind of house would you build]

"A modern house with lots of space and i would build a farm and to breed animals"

I said as a pull out a paper and pen i started drawing the house, it was a mansion with lots of room and space. I draw a play room, babies room, a large pool on the rooftop with hot spring, balcony connecting all rooms with the view of the sea and bathing room.

[Host that looks so beautiful]

"Hehehe it should be there's still a lot of space in the area"

[Host how about you build houses for zombies]


"What...why would I"

I was shocked i must be crazy if i let a zombie here that would endanger my family.

[Host please let me explain]


[Host i read that if zombies drink a special spring water they can turn to humans and host don't you need people to grow and take care of the place]

"Well make sense but where would I get that special spring water your talking about"

[Don't worry host just purchased it from the shop]


I purchased the water and went to kidnap a zombie. I tied it up the chair then made it drink. Slowly the zombies flesh was restoring his damage face was healed and he became more human. When he completely transformed he could talk

"Where am I and who are you"

'it worked' i thought ignoring and purchased a lot of that special spring water. Then explain to him what happened he decided to stay here and help me and in exchange housing, clothes and food are given.

I summoned golems so we could start building the walls of the base with the materials i collected the golems started working. While the houses are still on hold so we decided to kidnapped more zombies near the base.

In just a day the golems created a 10 feet wall and 30 meter's wide. The wall was made of cement and gravels there's also stairs so we can climb the top of the walls and created a watch tower. Over 30 people are in the base now and they all started building houses, as for me i would build our own house.

Thana was supervising the on going houses as i was busy building the foundation of the house. After i finished the foundation i started building the first floor of the house where the playroom will be place so we can watch over the kids, a kitchen with dinning place and a living room.

I was focused on building the house and didn't notice the day's i was gone.

(Nan Yue's POV)

We drove none stop until we have reached X base thankfully we arrived before dark.

"Excuse me sir, we want to enter the base"

"Before you enter please put your hand on the orb"

It was the same thing that was on B base as we scan our hand we were able to go in.

"Nan Yue let's go find a house to rest"


Simply said we got a medium size house without looking at Pei i immediately entered one of the room with Su's jacket. The room was spacious with a king size bed, a table, own bathroom and a small walk in closet.

As i lay in bed my tears unknowingly fall down to my cheeks this past few days i had insomnia i can't sleep no matter what i do. I'm used to sleeping on top of her.

*Knock knock knock*

"Nan Yue would you like to eat dinner"

He said softly behind the door, i have no appetite and my body is both tired physically and emotionally. I didn't answer and just lay on the bed.

The next day, i was able to sleep for only 2 hours. I went to the bathroom and refresh then went down i saw Pei preparing food on the table. He noticed me and he smiled brightly i look at him blankly.

"Good morning come let's eat you didn't eat last night so I'm sure your hungry now"

He said worried, walking down i sat down the chair and began eating a bit then put down my spoon and stand up

"Are you done already"


"But you barely touch the food"

"I don't have any appetite"

I said calmly I'm in a bad mood and his annoying, so i left the house and went to the hospital. I went to the front desk.

"Excuse me I'm looking for Dr. Mark is he in"

"Yes miss, what business do you have with him"

"Please tell him that a have an important letter for him about the zombie medicine"

I said and the receptionist eyes widen then immediately call i waited for few minutes when i saw a figure running towards me breathing heavily.


"Please take your time"

He was already out of breath so i calm him down he took deep breaths a few times.

"You said you have a important letter about the zombie medicine"

"Yes it was given to my fiance but she had something to do so she entrusted it to me saying i would give it to you"

As i pulled out the letter from my pocket and handed it to him, he took it immediately and start reading his eyes widen and immediately looked at me.

"Thank you miss for coming all the way here to give this, it is indeed a breakthrough about the zombie medicine. Please thank your fiance on my behalf and please excuse me I'll go back in my lab"

He said thankfully and i just noded i went out the hospital feeling listless. I decided to walk around until i was in the park without me knowing i sat down on the bench when suddenly..... I heard a voice


A familiar voice suddenly said i was shocked and looked around but I'm the only here.

"W..who are you" i asked feeling scared

"Baby it's me Su" the voice said again ot was indeed my fiance's voice.

"H...honey where are you" i asked looking around with tears falling down my cheeks

"Baby please calm down. I'm speaking to you right now in your mind" she said softly 'On my mind' i was confused

"I know your confused so I'll tell you sitting down first my love" how did she know but i obediently sat down.

"Baby i have a skill a telepathy skill so i can talk to you in your mind you can do same" she said i was happy i didn't hear her voice for a few days but i missed her.

"Baby don't cry"

"I missed you honey"

"I miss you too baby"

"Honey where are you? Are you coming here now?"

I was missing her that i need her on my side she was gone for a few days but it felt like years.

"Baby you know i found a place to build our base"

"Really then can i go see you then"

The feeling of talking to her but not being near her is torturing me.

"Baby please forgive me but i want to surprise with our base, i know you miss and want me near you. First, go home my love and I'll be there"

She said i immediately stood up and run all the way home since the distance was near i finally got home and went immediately to my room ignoring Pei who was in the living room.

As i locked the door of my room and freeze it with my ice I don't want to be disturb my time with my fiance.

"Baby, the ring on your left hand put a bit of energy to it and I'll appear" she said in my mind. Looking at the ring on my left hand i immediately put my energy and it glowed a violet color. Slowly i saw a figure forming infront of me, then i saw my fiance's smiling face i cried and jumped on her hugging her tightly.

"Baby i can only be with you until dawn" she said i felt her warm breath on my ear and felt a tingle when i heard her i know she would only stay for a while but that is enough.

I held her face and kissed her passionately 'oh how i miss her lips so bad'. I kept kissing her until we part breathlessly i looked at her with both love and lust. I missed her and all i could think about was make love to her. She sat down the bed with me on her lap, as i caress her abs , kissing her and slowly grind my hips back and forth, i felt her left hand firmly hold my waist while her right hand unbottoned my shirt.

My body start feeling hot and my core tingle. Our clothes were taken off, my bare breast was being massage.


A moan come out my mouth, my breast was sensitive that each time she massage it waves of pleasure was flowing all over me and my core was getting wetter.


Our lips parted i was breathing roughly as she suddenly suck on my breast causing me to arch my back and moan loudly.


She then lay me down the bed gently and then i saw her removing her clothes i was looking at her full of lust her body is so beautiful and her abs are well define.

"Enjoying the view baby"

She said teasingly i didn't respond and helped her remove her pants and undies. She kissed me roughly her left hand on my breast massaging and pinching. Her leg was on my core pressing it, i moan in her mouth. Going down my core i felt her hot breath on my core causing it to get excited even more.

When suddenly she i felt her licked me my eyes widen as my back arch.


She kept licking my clitoris, her fingers are opening the lips of my core. When i felt her two fingers entered inside of me my back arch one again.

"Ahahahhhh...S.. Su"

I cry her name with pleasure her fingers were thrusting in and out as her mouth lick and suck on my clitoris. I was feeling so much pleasure i hold her head and pushed her more. I felt her fingers going deeper inside and i kept having my orgasm.

" I'm.. cumming"

I screamed and had my orgasm on her fingers.


As she pulled out her fingers my body was still trembling with the after flow. When my leg was moved i saw her doing a scissor position, she moved her hips grinding on me.


I just came as she started moving her hips it's so good. I also moved my hips to her rhythm she kept moving faster and faster.

" I'm... cumming"



We both moan loudly i felt our cum mixing the she leaned down calming my lips.

"Baby I want to penetrate you again"

She said in her husky voice it was so seductive and sexy. I gulped as i remember when we first did it, she penetrate me and felt really good. I noded shyly as she took out the dildo and put it inside her.

"Baby how about you move this time"

She said as she lay on the bed, i get up and looked at the cock standing proudly. I move towards her as i position my core on the cock, slowly i move my hips down and felt the cock spreading my core once again.


I screamed in pleasure, my womb have fully eaten the cock inside. I didn't move for a while as i cum when she entered me.

" move"

She said moaning both her hands are on my breast pinching my erected nipples. I slowly grind on her i felt the cock going deeper and deeper as i move.

"Aaahhh... it'"

My hips then start humping up and down fast on the cock, I can't stop moaning I'm going crazy.


Then i felt her hands on my hips she held it firmly as she suddenly pulled my hips down colliding with the cock it moved even deeper. My back arch and my eyes rolled back, i collapsed on top of her. Her hip start thrusting deeper and faster inside of me, my moan was loud enough to be heard outside but i didn't care.

She pushed me on the bed then she thrust more boldly my body was shaking, my hands are gripping the sheets and lewd slapping of our parts was heard.


"Aaahhh hold it a bit more baby"

As she thrust more wildly inside me, i bit my lower lip to stop me from cumming but the more she thrust the more i want to release.

"Aaaahhhh..ho..honey...i.. can't hold it anymore"

Her hands grip my hips as her hip thrust for the last time.



We both are breathing heavily and roughly she looked at my eyes still filled with lust. The cock was still inside me then thrust in again making me crazy now.

For the whole night we made love over and over again like little rabbits. We can't get enough of each other, i didn't know how many times she made me cum but I didn't feel pain or soreness each time she fuck me hard.


We come for umth time i collapsed on top of her i was so tired my eyes are heavy slowly i fell asleep feeling the warmth of my fiance and smelling her scent made me sleep peacefully.