Chapter 40: Cultivation

In the Yu company, grandpa Yu and Ren are sorting out the documents of the applicants, with help of Mr. Can the company was able to recruit the graduates from the University of City X.

These are the talents who would be recognized in the future, Ren was tasked to get these graduates and make them work under the Yu company.

"My little Aura has a sense of the talent, these graduates are all top in their respective departments " grandpa Yu satisfied

"Sir, the applicants are all in their workplace" Ren comes into the office

"How is the ongoing project in the Paradise Valley" he stroked his beard

"Everything is going smoothly and there have been no complains so far" Ren reported

Grandpa Yu kept nodding his head in satisfaction. With the help of these people then the Yu family will be the number one if his granddaughter took over.

"Is there any news about the Wang family?" grandpa Yu asks seriously

"For a month Mr. Wang kept going to the auction and bought booster pills. We have planted people there to squeeze him" Ren shows the money that had been collected so far

"Hahahahhaaha Mu granddaughter is a genius" Grandpa Yu laughed looking at the chart


Back at the temple, Aurora arrived at the large table and then touch the mysterious orb.

The orb slowly floats in the sky and shone brightly, and the water in the room disappears into thin air.


A hidden door opened behind the table, Aurora approached the door and it was leading down. She walked down the stairs until she came upon another room

This time the room had a throne and on the throne sat a dead skeleton, on its hand was a yellow orb. Aurora walked towards it with confidence

About 5 meters away from the throne, a soul formed in front of me making me halt. Aurora looked at the soul and was stunned.

Almos was standing in front of me but something was out of place Almo is a.... Woman.

The story about Almo was that it was a he, not a she. Thinking about it more closely in ancient times women are only for giving birth to children.

Almo must have pretended to be a he to avoid trouble.

"Come, child" Almo's soul says

Aurora walked toward the woman and when she was near the woman put her hand on her head and pass knowledge to her.

"Child if you want the inheritance you need to accept the strikes of lightning to temper your dao even further. Though you're in the peak of the emperor stage, I hope you can succeed" She said

Without waiting I sat down on the ground crossed my legs and started meditating.

"Be ready child" then the atmosphere change


Aurora heard the thunder and the places became cold.


Sudden lightning hit her, aurora felt her body being torn apart, and the pain was several times stronger. She grits her teeth and endures the pain.

"Child if you wish to get the inheritance you need to endure and persist the power of lightning is not that easy to handle," Almo said behind me


Another lightning strike hit me, it was stronger than the last time. I kept circulating my Qi and devouring the lightning energy. At the same time tempering my body.


Aurora coughed blood but she ignored it and continue to meditate.




Aurora endured each coming lightning strike, she would often cough blood, and her body is getting tired.

[Come on host you can do it] Thana cheered and injected the body with strengthening potions.

Waves and waves of energy from the lightning entered her body and penetrate her core and meridian. She focuses on gathering and merging the energy in her body.

Circulating different energies in the body can lead to backslash or energy deviation. Or worse death, people who are greedy for power circulated more energy in the body resulting in the death of most cultivators.

It needs time and effort to be able to circulate different energies this may take days, weeks, months, or years.



"Child you can't handle anymore, you need to give up" Almo advice


"No, I'm not done yet," Aurora said gritting her teeth

"If you continue you can die" She warned

"This is once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm not giving up" Aurora persists and stay sitted on the ground circulating her Qi.

Thana kept injecting potions into her host and also paying attention to her body to make sure she is not badly wounded.


Sean who was given a week to pay his debt was kneeling on the ground in front of grandpa Fu. He was desperate none of the people he knew would let him borrow some money.

There are only 2 days left and he tried everything to get the money but it was a huge amount to suddenly get in just a week.

"G..grandpa I'm sorry" Sean bowed

He told the old man about his debt and that he needs to pay it back in a week or there will be a consequence.

"Sean how many times have you failed me already" the old man looked at him disapprovingly

"I..." Didn't know what to say

The old man waved his hand at Ren and Ren nodded and transferred the money.

"See you have disappointed me greatly this past month and I don't if I have to let you continue being the CEO," the old man said seriously

Sean widen his eyes in shock, if he was removed from his position then he would become a laughingstock in the circle.

He gritted his teeth and swallowed his pride.

"G..grandpa I promise I'll stop my habits and concentrate on the company, grandpa give me one more chance" he begs

"This is your final chance, and if you fail I'll remove you from your position as a CEO and let your sister take over" the old man stood up and left him kneeling

Sean's eyes turned red, it's suspicious that I got in trouble a lot of times this month, is someone targeting me?. Sean stood up and dial a number

"How can I help you sir" a man's hoarse voice sounded on the other side

"Investigate the troubles going on in the company" sean harshly said


The phone hangs up and Sean returned to the company. Whoever is responsible for this trouble don't make me know you or I'll make your life a living hell.


_________Elizabeth's POV____________

The servants in the house are running here and there, I was with vera in my room. With nothing to do,

"My birthday is today and yet she's still not back yet"

They were both missing Aurora too much that they are gonna go crazy. During the few months that she was gone, they both suffered from insomnia.

Many times they want to go where she is but was stopped by Grandpa Yu and Ren.

They both realize that they can't bear to be away from Aurora if she were to go somewhere they have to follow from now on.

Else the next time she leaves they will seriously go crazy, and maybe on rampaged.

"I miss her too" vera hugged the pillow

"For now, let's focus only a few hours and the party will start" Eli then went to choose her dress.

(A few hours later)

Guest arrived her party was in the Utopia Hotel, one of the most prosperous hotels in the city. The hotel was 20 stories high, the Fu family rented the whole hotel.

"Come my princess the guests are waiting " grandpa Fu took her hand and lead her to the podium

"Ladies and gentlemen thank you for attending to my granddaughter's birthday today, I hope you all enjoy the evening" he then raises his glass

Elizabeth was surrounded by other elite young ladies who congratulated her. She responds politely before she shook them off and sat down on the sofa.

"Eli, I have a surprise for you" Vera suddenly came to me and said with a calculating smile

She raised her eyebrow

"What is it?." Confused

"Hehehe come with me" Vera pulled her up and pull her towards a private room.

The party was on the rooftop of the hotel overseeing the whole city view. There was a private room there with noise concealment and only Elizabeth and Vera are allowed to go in.

Vera pulled her and enter the room, Elizabeth was confused why her friend is like this.

When I heard the piano being played, I felt that it was familiar. Immediately I walked toward the sound.

[You look so beautiful tonight

I want to say 'I love you baby'

You are the lyric in my song

The one that I kept searching

For all my life]

My tears fell on my cheeks, I saw my lover on the piano playing a beautiful song. The moon was full tonight and it eluminated her beautiful figure.

[Two hearts became one

One true love for life

Happy Birthday my love

My treasure]

I rushed to her as the song finished and hugged her tightly while crying. God, I miss her to death, she tightens her hug more not wanting to let go.

"Happy Birthday love" Aurora kissed my forehead and kiss me passionately

I kissed her roughly, gosh I miss her lips so bad. I kept kissing her until we were breathless.

"Yah Eli, no fair me too" Vera whined and also kissed Aurora roughly

Thana: H*rny women


The three were on the sofa cuddling, Aurora had both women in her embrace and occasionally kiss their foreheads.

"When did you return baby," I ask


(Flashback) (Aurora's part)

After enduring 7 months of continuous strikes by lightning and at the same time cultivating. She was able to break through and entered the peak of the Immortal stage.

After receiving the inheritance I left the place and called Ren to pick me up. While I was waiting I decided to create a beautiful gift for the birthday girl.

Ren came and drove to the Yu house, where I talked with grandpa, and helped me slip by the Gu house without anyone noticing.

And it was a success though Vera found her the moment she entered the house.

(End of flashback)


"Then where's my gift baby," I asked excitedly

Aurora scratch her chin nervously

"There's something I need to tell you" shyly


'You're so cute ahhhh'

"Go on tell us" Vera kissed her cheeks

Aurora stood up and kneel in front of us, she was holding a small box in her hands.

"Elizabeth, Vera I wanted to do this in a more romantic place but I can't help it" Aurora looked at us with love and sincerity in her eyes

"I love you both the same and can't help myself, my love for you is overflowing. I may not be romantic and all but I just want you both to know that the moment you appeared in my life I felt like I saw the most beautiful person in the world"

"Will you give me a chance to prove to you how much I love you by taking care and loving you for the rest of my life. I want to ask one question, Will you both marry me" Aurora opened the small box

There were two beautiful rings on the box, we both cried in joy and hugged at the same time.

"" yes we will""

We both answered, our hearts were filled with overflowing joy and happiness. Aurora put the rings on our fingers and they fit perfectly.

"I love you both so much" Aurora gave us each a kiss

"" we love you too""

Thana: Ring the bells 💞