Chapter 42: Cultivation

People arrived at the huge arena in the center of the city, there was a large screen floating in the middle of the stage.

All of which can see the battle and have a good view, it was also broadcast live.



The crowds were in an uproar

"Now then, you all know the rules. It's time for the random match" he said and the screen is randomly going to pick the first battle


[Wang Lee vs Xiao Hu]

The two step up to the stage and wang lee smiled smugly

"I'm giving you one last chance you better surrender or ill beat you up" Wang lee arrogantly said as if he was benevolent with his hands on his hips

Xiao Hu turned a deaf ear and put on a stance

"I see you made your choice"

"Ready...Start" Mc

Wang lee summoned a fire sword and dashed toward Hu, and sang his sword diagonally. Hu dodged it and kick him with ease.

"Hehehe you're strong, I underestimated you" Wang wipe the dirt on his clothes

"But that's not enough to take me down" he summoned 20 swords that floated behind him.

Raise his hand and all the swords rushed to Hu,

"Wind steps" Hu whispered

He avoided the attack that kept coming to him, 'if this goes on my Qi will be Exhausted' Hu thought

"Are you a coward, you can only dodge" Wang was irritated

Wang sprinted to him and send a kick in his stomach, Hu used his hands as a shield but he got sent away. Hu crashed into the wall and coughed blood.

Hu was only in the early emperor stage while wang was in the early grandmaster.

"Stop..... WINNER WANG LEE" Mc

"Woooahhhhhh, Wang Lee"

"Wang Lee"

"You're so handsome, baby"

The girls squealed and cheer as Wang Lee handsomely smiled.

Author: puke


"Hmmm, he is in the early stage Grandmaster" Grandpa Gu held his crane

"His cultivation and foundation are good" Grandpa Fu wasn't that interested

Sean also joined the tournament to be able to get close to the woman in a mask. The woman was in the room of the old man Yu.

His sister and ex-fiance are with her talking and laughing, though I can't hear what they are talking the smiles on her lips are beautiful.

She was wearing simple a right black pants, a black shirt, and white shoes. She has a necklace around her neck it had a sapphire gem in the middle of the necklace.

Sean was captivated by this mysterious woman, he had a smile on his lips that he didn't notice while looking at the woman.

Elizabeth felt a stare, she turns her head, and sure enough. Sean was looking at us or to be more precise my fiance.

"Hahaha right" Aurora laughed at Vera's joked

Eli snapped her fingers and a curtain slid covering our faces, we can still clearly see the fight in the arena. But other people won't see us through.

"Hmmm, why did you put the curtain?" Aurora asks confused

"A disgusting eyes are eyeing you baby, and I'm mad" Eli pouted madly

Aurora giggle though she don't know who it was, she kiss her fiance to calm her down.

Vera already know who she mentioned and frowned

"A lot are coveting you, babe and we're not happy about it" she also said seriously

"Hon they can only see but not own, I already belong to the two of you," Aurora said softly

"Smooth talker" Vera smiled and put her head in the crook of her neck

Eli also put her head on her chest, Aurora was holding the two in her arms while watching the fight.

'Hmm I can't wait' Aurora thought


"Now for our last fighters Miss A vs Sean" mc

Eli and Vera widen their eyes and Aurora drops a kiss on their forehead, then jumped down the room.


"A beauty wwooahhhhh"

The crowds cheered, and the fiance's frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Hello, my name is Sean. Nice to meet you, Miss A" Sean greeted politely and put on his lady killer smile

"Waaahhhhh, so handsome"

"Aahhh I'm falling in love"

"Sean I want you"

"Marry me sean"

The girls all screamed like there was no tomorrow and had hearts in their eyes. Aurora was confused at his smile, the two fiancees can't wait to beat him up.


"Miss how about we make a bet, if I win can I take you on a date," Sean said and was heard by everyone in the arena and live broadcast

"This bastard" Vera mumbled angrily

"And if you lose what I get" Her melodic and hypnotizing voice sounded Sean felt a pang in his heart

"Waah her voice is beautiful"

"A goddess... It's a goddess"

"Miss A marry me"

"Miss A I can give you anything you want" Sean smiled softly

"I see" Miss A took out a whip


"Then let's start" Aurora attacks using the whip


Sean blocked the attack with his sword, the moment it collided he step back and felt his whole arms trembling

'It's heavy' he thought

Sean was nervous if he can win, Aurora kept moving her whip and he blocked it. Each of the hits was heavy.

Aurora stop attacking and went near him, Sean was trembling in both his arms and legs.

"So strong"

"I can't even see the whip"

"That woman be careful with her"Father Wang warned his sons and they nodded

Aurora was in front of Sean and he looked like a wounded puppy, she pushed him slightly and he stumbled and fell out of the arena.



Aurora returned to the room, where Eli and Vera cleaned her with magic again and again.

"Hon, sweetheart the dirt is long gone," Aurora said helplessly

"Tsk" Eli was pissed


Aurora and the two Wang easily got into the finals, there are only 4 of us to compete the other person was from a low clan.

Wang Bo mercilessly beat him up, in the finals, you can only surrender when the enemy said he renounces.


[Miss A vs Wang Lee]

They stepped onto the stage, and Wang Lee licked his lips looking at the woman in front of him.

"Miss I don't hurt women how about you surrender now," Lee said

'Heh, don't hurt women, bastard' Aurora looked at him murderously


Aurora dashed toward him with incredible speed, shocking Wang Lee. Aurora punched him in the face, breaking his jaw he was sent flying with blood on his nose.

Wang Lee is the eldest son and the one who throws rocks and objects at the original owner. He made her his punching bag, resulting in the original owner suffering trauma in her head

Aurora grits her teeth and walked toward him. Wang Lee can't move he felt as if his body was paralyzed when aurora hit him she put Qi and destroy his motor senses

"Hmmm your down already" Aurora sinisterly looked at him

"" He can't speak properly

Aurora steps on his body, and lightly press


"Aahhhhhhh" he shouted as his ribs easily broke

"Stop, aren't you going too far" Father Wang shouted

Aurora looked at him and sneered

"The rules stated that he should speak up and say he withdrew that's when the battle is decided. Did you hear him withdraw" she said coldly

Aurora leaned a bit towards him and whisper

"Wang Lee do you still remember when you bullied and tormented me in the house" her eyes turned cold

Wang Lee had blood coming out of his mouth when he heard what she said. There's only one person who he bullied until she was kicked out.

His eyes looked at her in horror and he trembled badly, Die his going to die. He panicked and tried to speak


Aurora kicked him in his stomach and he curled up on the ground in pain.

"Stop, don't go too far woman" Father Wang roared

Aurora didn't listen and took out her sword

"No stop" Father wang rushed but he was too late

Aurora plunged her sword to his core and destroyed his cultivation.

"You b*tch I'll kill you" Father wang roared raising his hand and trying to smash it on her


The ground shook slightly, and the people saw that Grandpa Yu blocked the attack.

"Wang Nea this is the battle between young generations and we have no right to interfere," grandpa Yu said cold

"But she.. Destroyed my son's cultivation" Wang righteously said

"In battle, something like this happened. If you don't want him to be crippled take him to the doctor" grandpa Yu was like thunder to Nea Wang and took his son to the doctor

"Winner miss A" mc


Wang Nea clenched his fist, his eldest son lost his cultivation for good.

He looked at Wang Lee his youngest son,

"Lee take this pill use it, and make that woman pay" he ordered

"Yes father" wang lee nodded

[Miss A vs Wang Lee]

When Lee heard the announcement he walked and step onto the stage. He looked at the woman in disgust and contempt.

"You b*tch you destroyed my brother's cultivation. I'll never forgive you only by destroying your cultivation can I avenge my brother" Lee pointed at the woman

"Useless talk" she spat



Wang Lee is short-tempered and the one who told his father to put poison in the food that was going to be delivered for Aurora and her mother to eat.

He treated auroras mother like a servant and ordered her to around without rest. One time he tried to whip me when my mother used her body as a shield.

Aurora felt tears running on her cheeks which were seen by her fiancee's and grandpa.

"I'll never forgive you" Aurora took out her whip and whip it toward Lee

"Shadow steps" Lee mumbled

He was able to avoid some attacks, Aurora scampered and kick him at the same time.


Lee spits out blood and wipes it with his hand. Lee took out his sword and summoned the 20 swords and shoot it toward her.

Aurora easily deflects it all with ease and took out her sword. She stops using the whip

"Phantom Steps" Aurora mumbled

She steps in different directions leaving an after image, Lee was starting to get irritated. Then took out the pill and eat it

Wang Lee felt the surge of power in his body and hit the ground hard. The after images got erased and he rushed towards the real one.

"Die" Lee clenched his fist and punch it


Aurora caught his hand, wang lee was stunned and he tried pulling it out to no avail. Aurora crashed his fist


He shouted like a pig, then he kneel in pain. Lee used his other arm, only to be twisted and broken it was dangling on his side


Lee screamed in pain, Father wang was shocked he used the pill, and yet he was defeated easily.

"Girl I demand you to stop right now" father wang yelled

"And why would I " Aurora sneered

"SSTTOOPPP" Father wang cried desperately


Aurora destroyed Lee's cultivation. Father wang stared at the woman with hatred and killing intent.

"Do you not recognize me, FATHER?" Aurora suddenly said

The people-watching is stunned by what she said, then the mask was removed. The crowd was silent.

Father wang widen his eyes in shock and horror,

" are you still alive" he shouted

"Heh! Father, the people you sent didn't have time to kill me because I already escaped" Aurora said shrugging her shoulders

" b*tch. You should have died" wang said crazy

"Hehehe, father how does it feel that your two precious sons were defeated by some like me. Do you still remember how you tormented and tortured me?"

"My mother... She died and there was no proper place to bury her, and you throw her on the streets like garbage. I will never forgive you for what you've done" Aurora released her killing aura

Wang Nea felt suffocated he can't breathe and in front of him were ghosts dragging him down. It was the people who were killed innocent by him.

Aurora inflicted him with a nightmare and on the surface, he was just struggling.

"This is for my mother"