Chapter 54: Animal World


[Ding mission complete]

[Calculating rewards....]

[Ding the host received 20,000 points, Rank: S]

"How many worlds have we finished Thana"

[Five worlds host]

"I see"


"Thana I'm gonna sleep, for now, I'm feeling tired"

[Okay host rest well]

Thana watched her host close her eyes and sleep, if a tasker doesn't rest after a mission, fatigue will build up. This can make a tasker not think straight.

Thankfully Qiran felt tired and slept.


In another part of the insular world, a capsule opened and the person inside sit up and dry her body.

[Host, how are you feeling] 02 felt distressed her host didn't rest for half a month

"I'm fine 02, how about my rewards is it done," the woman asked

[Yes host, you have a total of 120,000 points] 02 displayed the screen in front of her host

"Then did you have any lead about the person with me in every world"

[Forgive me host but I can't seem to get in touch with her. I'm sorry host] 02 apologize

"It's fine 02"


Just who are you? Why do I always feel that you are familiar yet unfamiliar? Are you the person I've been looking for?

A lot of questions popped out in her head of the woman.

"02 is there any way for me to restore my memories"

[Host, I can't your father told me to not give you your memories. Only by completing the task can you receive your memory full]


The woman sat down near the window and looked at the never-changing sight. The sky is dark and only stars and constellations can be seen.

'Wait for me to get my memories and ill find you'


(5 hours later)

Lu Qiran slept for 5 hours, she felt her body exhausted after the mission. Now she feels refreshed, she took a bath, and both Thana and she ate some food.

"Where shall we go next Thana"

[I don't know the host, you pick]


A blue panel appeared in front of her and was a rolling to the panel.

'Hmmm, the animal world'

"Hey thana what do you think about the animal world"

[Really, we're going there I always wanted to beast people] thana was excited for some reason

"Alright then animal world it is "

Quran clicked the world and she felt the familiar drowsiness and lay on the bed.


In a world where beast people ruled, the human population decreased a significant amount after they tried to make beast people slaves.

5 beast kings ruled over beast people, the lion, the wolf, the panther, the fox, and the bear. They made a home for beast people and drive away from the humans who have malicious intentions for them.

The world is at peace for now.

"Cough cough cough" Qoran coughed a few times

She woke up and her body was in great pain, she was on the ground. Her vision was blurred and she felt pain in her abdomen.

[Warning ❕ ❕ warning.......]

[Host life is in danger]

[Ding Automatic Healing Activated]

[Ding... The health level going up]


[Ding the host body is fully healed]

[Host, are you okay] thana asked worriedly


"I'm fine thana thanks" Qiran sit up and leaned on a nearby tree.

"Give me the plot thana" qiran closed her eyes and slowly the plot entered her brain.

This world used to be dominated by humans but after the beast people had enough of them killing, toying, and slavering them.

The strongest among them fought with the humans, a lot was sacrificed. The battle lasted for 3 months until the humans were defeated.

The best people won't and created a kingdom for themselves, a border where the humans and beast people were divided.

"A border huh, that's not enough to make the humans give up their goals though" Qiran murmured

In the original owner's memory, she was a daughter of a wolf and a fox, she's a hybrid one of a kind. Her name was Thea, and her parents died in the battle with the humans 10 years ago.

She was left alone through their we're others who helped her and gave her food, she longs for her parent's warmth. They left her alone when she was only 3 years old.

"The original owner is pitiful"

[Her parents are dead and no one was left. Woo woo woo]

"Thana which part of the plot are we"

[Host, you were thrown by the male lead after he knew that you were pregnant with his child]



"The fuck" Thea cursed

[The world is 25% done host]

Qiran no it should be Thea now. Thea felt a headache, the original owner was together with the male lead Cain, when he knew that the original owner was longing for love, he deliberately approach her..

Thea who felt warmth for the first time got together with the male lead, Cain didn't like the original owner he played with her feelings because he was bored.




[Host clam down]

Thea force her herself to calm down, took a deep breath and calm down a little. She continued to look into the memories of the original owner.

Thea gave everything to him, one time Thea went to the doctor to have a check-up. She had been feeling sick for days.

And the results shock her, she was 3 months pregnant. Thea was over the moon and was very excited, she decided to tell Cain.

Thea saw Cain in his room and immediately went to his side. Thea told him that she was 3 months pregnant, and she thought he was going to be happy.

But she thought wrong, he took a knife and directly stab in her stomach. Thea was startled, she only felt pain in her abdomen, Cain ruthlessly kicked her stomach after he stab her.

Thea was in tears and Cain drag her out, he left her to die in the forest. If Qiran and Thana were a bit late she would leave this world.

"That bastard " Thea gritted her teeth

"Thea is the child...."

[Fortunately, the host is still alive, the knife missed and it survive]

Thea sigh in relief and touch her stomach, she felt the original owner crying and stroking her stomach. The child did nothing wrong, the original owner loved the child very much.

"Don't worry I'll make him pay for what he's done, and your child will be with you when I'm done with him" Qiran said reassuring the original owner

Then she took over the body completely.

"Thana look for a place where we can build our base, I first need to cultivate and make sure the child is healthy" Thea stood up slowly

[Host, do you still remember your pocket world. How about going there]

Thea suddenly remembered when he first become a tasker, there was a reward of her own pocket world. Thea waved her hand simply and a pink portal opened.

Thea walked in, then arrived at an unfamiliar place. She was standing on a hill and saw the view. This place is like an uncivilized place

[Host, this world is created by your mana, the more mana. Your world expands and you can easily control everything that's in here]

"Are there also animals here"

[Yes host]

Thea then build a house to where she was standing, the place is surrounded by Apple trees and other kinds of fruits that can be seen on the earth.
