Meeting God and Wishes

My name is Masukuza Hebemi and I am a shut in, everyday from 6am to 10pm I lock myself in my room watching anime, reading manga and writing light novels. I was quite famous due to my parents being the owners of a sports company who supplies the NBA, NRL, AFL and olympics with their sporting equipment. I haven't always been a shut in I used to go to high level meeting with my parents to develop management and decision making skills, that all changed when keyboard warrior spread a rumour about me raping a girl this destroyed my reputation and I can't walk down the street without being threatened and harassed by people who believed the rumours.

Today I decided to muster up my courage and do something with my life, I'm a 24 year old man who lives at home, doesn't work and has no social life. I believe I can change this I just have to build my reputation from scratch

"okay I can do this" I thought to myself as I was crossing the road.

I was looking at my phone when I heard a truck honking, as I looked up I saw a teen aged girl standing in the middle of a road with a guide dog. By the looks of it the dog had dropped dead and the blind girl didn't know which way to run to escape the road.

"Move" I yelled as a ran towards her, I knew I couldn't reach her and get us both out of the way. I would most likely get hit by the truck, but I didn't care in this moment.

As I dived at her and pushed her out of the way of the truck, the truck slammed into me from the side launching me across the road. I landed next to the blind ladies dead dog

"This is just my luck" I yelled internally to my self. I could feel myself dying "so this is what death feels like" I mumbled to myself as everything went black


"Well I guess I'm dead" I sighed "I hope god gives me a chance to reincarnate in an anime world" I said hopefully as I looked around the bright white room hoping to see a figure who looks like Morgan Freeman.

"Hello" a deep voice said from behind me, I turned around quickly to see a middle aged man who looked so perfect that it was as if he was a god. He had rainbow coloured hair that was spiked up like gokus and he had red eyes that glowed with divine light.

"The girl you saved was inspired and cured cancer, aids, all sexual diseases and corona virus" The god like man said " When she passed away she asked for all her karma to be transferred to you"

"Sweet does this mean I get wishes?" I asked in a calm voice

"Yes you get 5 wishes with no limit except you can't ask for the three O's".

"Can I have a while to think" I asked him

"Yes take all the time you need" God said

I thought hard and long for 4 hours to decide what I wanted, than I thought of the most important question.

"Do I get to go to an anime world of my choice?" I asked hopefully

"I can allow that and it doesn't take up a wish" God said

"Hmmm there are many anime worlds that I want to go to which one should I choose. That's right kuroko's basketball is a safe but fun world that I won't get bored of since my favourite sport is basketball" I said "Okay I have decided that I want to go to Kuroko's basketball" I said to God

"That is acceptable not an overpowered world, but it is a world that could entertain me" God said to himself "now what do you wish for"

"For my first wish I want to have the highest talent possible in all sports for my second wish I want to be 6 foot 11 at the beginning of high school and 7 foot 2 when I graduate. For my third wish I want to be able to customise my looks and hair colour, for my fourth wish I want god speed impulse without the weakness of having to see the move to react and for my fifth wish I want to have a eye of my own called the eyes of G.O.D, which can see the full court, see three seconds into the future, visually slow down time and gives me an eidetic memory." I said stating my wishes

"Those are all acceptable and I will also throw in a few bonuses such as a loving family that is rich and will help you strive towards your goal now begone thy thot" god said as he bitch slapped me into my next life.